Welcome to

St Joseph’s College, Lochinvar

We value the individual child and understand that our role is to provide a learning environment in which the full range of needs of our students can be addressed in our academic, pastoral and co-curricular programmes.

St Joseph’s, Lochinvar

College Pillars


To inspire a growth-mindset learning culture that is agile, contemporary, and capable of actively responding to the needs of all learners and recognises the power and potential of positive wellbeing.


To promote an innovative, future-focused culture of learning based on research and best practice, within and beyond the education sector, to enable students to “become confident and creative individuals, successful life-long learners, and active and informed members of the community”. (Alice Springs Education Declaration 2019)


To be a dynamic, contemporary Catholic School that responds actively to the Gospel message and our Josephite charism, nurturing a culture of service and trusting in the providence of God.

College Principal

The St Joseph’s College mantra of ‘Lochinvar students can do anything’ encourages students to bring their dreams and aspirations to reality.
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Innovative learning model

St Joseph’s College has introduced a new and innovative timetable allowing the best use of the College’s new facilities, with a ten -day cycle which includes a FLEXI-Learning block each Wednesday morning.

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“The teachers are so encouraging and supportive, making this school’s learning environment such a pleasure to be in.”